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The 2024 edition of IFL has three main tiers for sponsorships but alternatives forms can always be considered such as invited keynotes, industrial sessions, or otherwise. Because of sponsorship, it is possible to keep registration fees below actual costs, in particular for students.

Bronze - €500

  • Your logo on the IFL 2024 website
  • Your name listed in conference materials

Silver - €1,000

  • All of the benefits of Bronze sponsorship
  • The possibility to place a banner/poster in a visible place at the conference location

Gold - €2,500 (limited to one sponsorship for the conference)

  • All of the benefits of Silver sponsorship
  • The ability hand out an award with the name of your company for the most valuable presentation of the conference. The criteria are up to the sponsor. It can be something like industrial or social relevance or originality of the contribution.

Contact the organizers at mart "at" cs "dot" ru "dot" nl for details.